“I feel normal. I have my life back.” – Otto

otto's headshot play button

“I feel normal. I have my life back.” – Otto

otto's headshot play button

“Life is good! You’re only going to feel better. You’ll have a much better quality of life. I would highly recommend this.” – Bill

bill's headshot play button

“Life is good! You’re only going to feel better. You’ll have a much better quality of life. I would highly recommend this.” – Bill

bill's headshot play button

“He’s a different man. We’re back to the point where he goes everywhere and does everything he loves to do!” – John’s wife

john's headshot play button

“He’s a different man. We’re back to the point where he goes everywhere and does everything he loves to do!” – John’s wife

john's headshot play button

Heart failure patient stories

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“I have a lot of great grandchildren and now I’m able to walk with them hand-in-hand. That’s a great feeling.”


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“He’s now able to take the garbage out and cut the yard!”

-Andrew’s Mom

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“I would definitely pursue it and follow through to give yourself a better quality of life.”


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“I’m looking forward to my daughter’s prom and her graduation where I’m able to be in the crowd.”


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“I’m back to walking three to four miles a day.”


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“Amazingly happy, tears of joy I haven’t had in 10 years.”


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“If it wasn’t for this device I sure think I wouldn’t be here.”


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“It’s a life changer. I couldn’t go on the way I was. And after this my life is pretty normal now.”


otto's headshot play button

“I feel normal. I have my life back.”


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“I’ve never won the lottery; but if this is what it feels like to win the lottery, I’ll take it!”


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“We all have our reasons for living. For me, it’s my grandkids. If there’s a chance something can help you, why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that.”


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“It was a no-brainer. I have a whole brand new life! Like night and day.”


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“If you have a chance to do it, do it. It’s made a difference in my life and I’m very happy with how things are going.”


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“It’s a life-changing device. It took me from the edge of death, back to my normal self. I can count on tomorrow.”


bill's headshot play button

“Life is good! You’re only going to feel better. You’ll have a much better quality of life. I would highly recommend this.”


john's headshot play button

“He’s a different man. We’re back to the point where he goes everywhere and does everything he loves to do!”

-John's wife

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“It gave me more energy. After you find out the difference it can make there will be no question about it at all.”


Barostim is not right for everyone. Talk to your doctor about risks, benefits and expectations associated with Barostim therapy. Risks associated with the surgical implant procedure are similar to those from implanting a pacemaker. Patients implanted with the device are anticipated to be exposed to operative and post-operative risks similar to related surgical procedures involving the neck and chest.