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The five steps to Barostim

If you have heart failure or resistant hypertension, Barostim’s breakthrough option may help improve your symptoms.


Do you qualify?

You may qualify for Barostim to help improve your heart failure symptoms if you meet these criteria:

  • Have been diagnosed with heart failure NYHA III, and are already receiving guideline-directed medical therapy.
  • Have a left ventricular ejection fraction of 35% or less (a measure of how much blood your heart pumps).

You may qualify for Barostim to help improve your resistant hypertension if you meet these criteria:

  • Have blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mmHg systolic.
  • Have resistance to maximally tolerated therapy with a diuretic and two other antihypertension medications.
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Find a Barostim-trained physician

Schedule a consultation with a physician and speak with them about Barostim.

Barostim Centers in Europe

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Prepare for your appointments

Be prepared to talk about how your hypertension or heart failure symptoms, including shortness of breath or fatigue, are limiting activities that are important to you such as:

  • Showering
  • Walking up stairs
  • Going to the grocery store
  • Cooking
  • Doing laundry
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Gardening
  • Traveling

Write down any questions you have for the doctor.
Bring a list of medications you are taking.

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Get Barostim

  • The Barostim implant is placed under the skin, typically during a surgical procedure.
  • Typically you can get back to your normal activities within a few days.
  • Your physician will provide post-implant instructions.
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Optimize your Barostim

  • After the system is implanted, you will initially meet with your doctor approximately once per month so they can adjust the therapy to work the best for you – this can take approximately 5 visits.
  • Once the therapy is fully optimized, your doctor will see you and check your Barostim device every six months.
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otto's headshot

“I feel normal. I have my life back.”

bill's headshot

“Life is good! You’re only going to feel better. You’ll have a much better quality of life. I would highly recommend this.”

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“He’s a different man. We’re back to the point where he goes everywhere and does everything he loves to do!”

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