Shortness of breath
Heart failure symptoms suck the life out of you.

Patient outcomes
Barostim has been shown to safely improve symptoms of heart failure and your quality of life.

Barostim patients were able to walk 60 meters farther in 6 minutes than patients on medications alone.

of Life
Barostim patients had 3 times greater improvement in quality of life scores than patients on medications alone.

Two out of 3 patients with the Barostim heart failure device improved at least one whole NYHA class in 6 months.

response rate
94% of patients had significant improvement in at least one of the three measures.
1. Zile MR, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 76:1-13
2. Abraham WT, et al. Symptomatic endpoint responder rates to Barostim Therapy, ESC Abstract 2019

Turn your heart failure into heart success
Barostim is not a pacemaker or defibrillator; it’s an innovative therapy that outsmarts the heart by actively stimulating natural sensors in your body that tell your brain how to regulate your heart — relieving the symptoms of heart failure.
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